Category Archives: Spirituality


It is without hesitation that I state I am uncategorically an atheist. I know there is no god based on any understanding of the word “god” I have heard. I also am not religious based on any religion I have experienced. This is not to say that I am completely comfortable in the concept that the reality I experience is all that there is.

I consider myself in possession of a spiritual side and am just beginning in my exploration of the extent and meaning of this spirituality. I am reluctant to suggest what my spiritualism is because I know anything I say will be biased, distorted and determined by my socialization. Fate and Fairies are both social accepted concepts and represent expectations and influences. I can’t say what either are but I know that I lean more toward belief in Fate than Fairies. I reject all the socially determined implications of these concepts yet remain open to learning, understanding and experiencing more about them and a host of other aspects of spiritualism. The concepts I am currently most open too include Tarot, Shamanism, Reiki, and Meditation.